Friday, August 1, 2008

Try again...

It's been a while but the whole blog thing is pulling me back in...Well actually I'm a big fan of a captive audience so what the hell.  This is my new blog!
So the last three songs I heard were...Love On The Rocks/Neil Diamond, The Angel of Death/Hank Williams and I'd Like To/Corrine Bailey Ray (thought I was 104 years old for a second, didn't you?).  Seriously, listen to Neil's lyrics...Genius!
How I'm feeling right now...Shitty.  I wish they'd put labels on hard cider bottles that say "Warning: You're a an idiot if you drink this shit.  It'll make you violently ill and hung over for a full 24 if it passes your lips."   And that was from one! 
What I'm wishing right now... That I had dual citizenship in an exotic, yet english speaking, warm climate (but not from global warming) country...Or Spain.  I could live with brushing up on my spanish while enjoying daily siesta's and manchego cheese.
Love your guts...Whoever you are!

1 comment:

rg said...

Welcome back to blog land :)